A picture says a thousand words.
But like th picture above, my life is just way opposite.
Ppl just love watching th way i live.
And i hate th fact that its their entertainment.
Some bitches admit they wanna be like me or get near me .
But seriously, you won't be loving the life i am leading .
The house doesnt feel a home animore.
Its as though, im living life thru hell.
I am glad akai have been there.
Make me laugh when i cry.
Make me believe, nothing is wrong .
Now, he is out of my crib ..
I am already crying drastically on how much i want hys embrace.
Its okay, 3 more hours till i see hym again.
For now, th truth have become lies. and the lies became the truth.
I'm confused and im just waiting for my name to be cleared.
Urgh .