Ive been missing my girls alot .
Especially those whom have been with me thru out .
Wasnt in th pink of health, thanks to th coldsejukhotpanas weather.
PFFT -.-'
Was in my most crankiest mood ever last night.
Nothing just feels right.
I even had a short-term argument with bbyboy.
Im lucky it ended with a hug.
Again, he managed to make me smile and put me to sleep.
ILY sugarpie.
Ive no plans for today and im feeling all mundane.
Ive been a good girl lately since ive been staying at home for the past week.
On another hand, ive been missing school a lot.
I miss th chaotic fun in school.
I miss gossiping.
I miss making fun of my lecturers.
Grrr .
Im starting school in a few months time, i just cant wait.
Pardon me for using simple english this tyme round.
Im tired and im not in my best mood.
Still cranky, that is.
Especially those whom have been with me thru out .
Wasnt in th pink of health, thanks to th coldsejukhotpanas weather.
PFFT -.-'
Was in my most crankiest mood ever last night.
Nothing just feels right.
I even had a short-term argument with bbyboy.
Im lucky it ended with a hug.
Again, he managed to make me smile and put me to sleep.
ILY sugarpie.
Ive no plans for today and im feeling all mundane.
Ive been a good girl lately since ive been staying at home for the past week.
On another hand, ive been missing school a lot.
I miss th chaotic fun in school.
I miss gossiping.
I miss making fun of my lecturers.
Grrr .
Im starting school in a few months time, i just cant wait.
Pardon me for using simple english this tyme round.
Im tired and im not in my best mood.
Still cranky, that is.