In school, Ive learnt that aggression is bad .
Acting on impulse, saying things you dun mean to will eventually turn everything th opposite way .
As for me, PMS is a bitch and I hate having to deal with PMS every single month .
Last night was fucked up.
I was petrified someone was stabbed at my void deck.
I was upset everyone was picking on me .
I was even mad when Baby misunderstood me.
Its been almost 3 years now baby, and you should know how deep my fucken love is for you .
Its me and my mouth . gaah ! Can someone just murder me ?
I should have understood you're feeling all blue and lethargic .
I should have just ignored your temper.
I should have just let you cool off.
I should have talk to you in a nice manner instead of scolding you in th presence of my friends.
I am sorry for embarrassing you. I didn't mean to break your heart .
I didn't mean to say those things to you .
I didn't mean to just shout at you in that manner .
Baby, I know you're reading this.
Bella sorry okay sayang?
and i know what you gonna say, you gonna tell me , its easier to say sorry and forget everything .
Come on baby ! cheer up ! Aqu sayang qau bodoh .
On another hand, stress have got me all tied up again .
Everything was a mess last night .
I simply blacked out .
I fainted half way through home .
Thank Allah, Eve and Max was around to help me.
Mama rushed down to help.
The feeling sucks,
I could hardly breathe.
I could barely speak.
I couldn't even feel myself .
I was weak and numb .
I tried my best to open my eyes, Unfortunately, i can't.
It was a blurry vision, i swear.
I even feel like i was on th roller coaster .
My head felt heavy .
Urgh, i hate stress ! cos stress caused me to have my hormonal imbalance .
Now, im gonna creep in my blankie and try my v best to sleep .
I shall just wait for my bby to finish work .
I guess i wont be out from my crib for a couple of weeks.
take care readers.