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Im off to school with yaya(akai's younger sister) tomorrow! I hafta pay my school fees.
Im soo syck of ppl bragging me of my whereabouts.
Im still around, still alive ok!
I am still using the same number, so mind you, pls?

I just need some space now.

Things havee been happeninq lately.

Be it good or bad, i wun elaborate.

Im just soo syck of people assuming and talkinq.
please stop your minds fromm running wyld can? Im currently looking for a job. Reason being, bored and I miss earning my own hard cash! But thys tyme round, I wun spent on useless and worthless ppl whom I call, 'friends'.
My laptop have been giving me problems lately. my apologies if I havent been onlyne tat often.
I'll get it fix soooon! promise!
note to my dearest friends :
Sorry if you feel neglected. Im soo sorry.
Ive come to realise that Im happier with my family.
and i really appreciate akai's family for all the advices given.
Especially mama akai, thanks for makinq me realize what ive missed in lyfe.
Thanks for everything.
No hanky-panky, I promiseee!! =)
Friends, Im no longer interested in hang outs and clubs k?
I am not interested in all the rumours or cheesy news u've got.
sometimes, your motive is to break me.
Being naive, i swallowed all of those lies.
Its true what they say, if you're not firm enough, ure easily taken advantage of!
now, im focusing on my education and im so gonna prosper k!
I dun wanna be that junk by the streets.
I dun wanna have a dark dark future.
after what we've been through, I realised whatever U say is true, that im easily taken advantage of and i need to stay put in my studies. i promise to be more focused now.
Mama, sorry if i was too selfish.
sorry if ive never understood you.
alhamdulillah, allah have answered my prayers.
mama, i really need your guidance k.
Sorry if i ever gt drunk.
sorry if i creep.
sorry for all the shyts ive caused k?
I love you.
and kakak, thanks for evrything.
ure presence in my life changed everything!

Before my lappie starts her attitude again, i better stop now! lol

ps ; since its pink, lets call it a her. (rofl)

love u,


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