Life changes every now and den.. As for me, im experiencing lotsa changes. Daddy came back todae. Only God knoes how happy i am to have hym around!! He is indeed a great DAD.. But..... He has to fly off to spain on Mondae morning. He has to prepare lotsa documents andand.. i pity hym.. He has to werk real hard just to give me a good lyfe. Daddy, I appreciate everything and i love u okeh? As for my dearest mum, she's sick and weak. Sabar k mama? Everything happens fer a reason. Every year has a birthday to celebrate. Maybe, its not our time to celebrate yet. Just be patience. Indeed, patience is a virtue.
To my dearest friends out there, thank u so much fer taggin. haha. Keep on hittin and i knoe, it mae take ages fer me to reply! but but. knoe dat ure much appreciated. As fer my haters, dey r just bored with life. HER DAILY ROUTINE ; ENVY OTHERS AND HOLD GRUDGES! haha..
Modellin ; Quoted from Tyra banks. '' U dun have to be beautiful to be a model". Tasha, dun u knoe dat modellin requires ; Self confidence, poise and attitude. Are u sure i have a round and big nose? I think, u need sum eye treatment plus some psychiatric help. If ure askin me why, i'll tell u why.. Its simple. U are good in ILLUSIONS. Being over-jealous is a mental problem, my 'dear'. Do more researches on MODELLIN and dun say something which u have no know;edge of. Ure not a PROFESSIONAL to judge my features. So pls stope being jealous and pls get a life and stop stalking me. ACCEPT THE FACT THAT URE NOT WANTED. LEAVE! Oh yes.. Plus.. Words cant bring me down. So, nice try!
Sealead wit a kiss ;