Cancer Woman & Virgo Man
This match is very good for you and can definitely lead to lasting love. You have a lot of things in common with the Virgo boy, like your love for order and routine. Security is very important to you and you will find that in this relationship. You also have good chemistry in the romance department. You will draw out the passionate side in each other that you both keep hidden away most of the time. Because your needs are similar, you respect what each other want from a relationship. You will feel fulfilled emotionally in this pairing and fights about either one of you flirting will be few. A good love match.
Can you say perfection? When Cancer girl teams up with Virgo boy, friends and family have a magnet for good times and group activities. Backyard BBQ's, movie nights, and Sunday dinners…. you're the belles of the ball. Everyone wants to be near the warmth and good vibes that you have for each other.
Personalities mesh well. Cancer understands Virgo's fussy ways. Each is anxious to please the other. This could work out fine. Cancer may have to warm up Virgo a little but there is fire under all that ice. Cancer and Viragos money goals are the same. Cancer understands Virgo?s fussy ways, and steady Virgo helps balance viable Cancer. Both are anxious to please each other. Both like money and domestic comforts. Both are affectionate but both are also very critical. Each draws the other out of their shell.