I'm glad akai is in the pink of health, again ! As for me, im the one who is currently down with a high fever, 38.6 degrees. please eh, not H1N1 tau !! lol .. I shall thanks mama and akai for taking a good care of me this whole of 2 days . Akai, tho i might be damn irritating and cranky during my fever period, im glad you're able to stand all my nonsense . Akai fed me porridge, made me drinks, sponged me and even massage me . He even monitor my medications time . Thanks baby . apart from that, mama did sponge me as well . Akai is currently at work , I cant wait for him to be home . Well, i do miss my schoolmates truckloads . Anyway, sorry dolly plan was cancelled, im having a ridiculous high fever . Sorry rina, taq dapat gy open house qau semalam, i demam la you .. hehehe Zura, sorry taq angkt qol qau yer, aqu tdo siang, matlumla, kene sumbat dgn ubat, ape ke tdk, terus gone siol ! hehehes.